Friday, November 22, 2013


ויהושע בן נון נער לא ימש מתוך האהל

והוא נער את בני בילהה

וכתיב חנוך לנער על פי דרכו 

נער הייתי וגם זקנתי שרו של עולם אומר

ולהבין ענין זה הנה מובא בספרי קבלה דנער הוא מטט' לבוש לתפארת דיצירה והוא ענין שתא סדרי משנה, שהם לבוש למלכות דאצילות.  


Yehoshua Ben Noon is from Efraim ben Yosef, the same aspect of Moshiach ben Yosef.  He is from the seed of Aviya son of Yerovam Ben Nevat, as stated in Zohar Chadash end of Balak.  Because Yehoshua is the student of Moshe, who brought the Heavens down to Earth, and lead the Jewish Nation into the physical Land of Israel, bringing the loftiest levels of Elokut into this physical and material world. 

Yosef was gathering the Itareruta diltata motivation from below, elevating the Mein Nukvin from the worlds of Asiya, Yetzira, and Beriya into Malchut of Atzilut.  Yosef was gathering these sparks brought up by the 12 tribes, and at the same time brought down Mein Duchrin,

So, I'm trying to understand with this thing about נער is all about.  נער  also means "youth", and indeed it is this "youth" which is a distinctive aspect of the Angel Metatron.  This angel is responsible for the "running" of the entire system of Worlds, Chambers, and Hosts of the Heaven, which are then determining what will happen on Earth, from the greatest macrocosm of nations' rise and fall, to the individual divine providence responsible for a leaf falling from the tree.  

This is the angel seen by "Acher" in his ascent among with the 4 sages. Acher made the mistake of proclaiming that "there exists two realities", implying that the Angel Metatron is independently sovereign of the lower domain chas ve shalom.  Immediately angels came down and administered spiritual lashes to the angel showing Acher that there is only one independent entity and all other entities exist solely through its existence.  Acher was punished, but we learned this powerful lesson about the angel Metat and his role in the heavens.  Kabbalah (Zohar, Tikuney zohar, the Writings of the AriZal, etc) mention this angel and how he used to be the biblical figure of Chanoch (Enoch).   For our purposes we are more interested in why this angel is called נער , and how does this relate to the other entities called נער , mainly Yosef, Yehoshua Ben Nun, and Moshiach ben Yosef.


Friday, November 15, 2013

The Union of Tohu and Tikun - The Primordial Kings, Their Descent, and Salvation by Yosef HaTzadik


אלה תולדות יעקב יוסף בן שבע עשרה שנה

The stories of the fathers are a hint for the sons.  In the process of divine revelation symbolized by the stories of our fathers, Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yakov, the process of Yakov is the process of divine revelation internally within the physical and material world, through the aspect of Yakov, and Israel.

Kabbalistically, in the construction of the Face of Yakov, corresponding to the Partzuf of Zeir Anpin, you have three "stages" - the construction of the Keter of Zeir Anpin (mainly Arich Anpin and its source in Radla), the construction of the "Body" of Zeir Anpin, 6 dimensions in 2 sides, the 12 diagonal lines connecting the 10 Sefirot), and the Yesod of Zeir Anpin (as the Yesod includes the Keter, as a drop of semen contains the absolute DNA essence of the father).

This third aspect, the aspect of the Yesod is called Tzadik and is the mystical secret of Yosef HaTzadik.  It is the Man of Israel, and through the study of Torah (Daat and Tiferet, all the Sefirot aligned on the middle column of Truth), this Man of Israel manifests the revelation of G-dliness (Keter) within all the worlds, until and including the physical and material world.

Hence in the story of Yakov, we see this entire structure.  The exile from his father's house (symbolizing the exile of the Jewish Nation into the 2,000 year exile of Edom preceding the true and complete redemption by Moshiach), and into the work with Lavan, which in Kabbalah represents the dimension of Keter - above and removed from the Worlds.  With the heap of stones Yakov had constructed a passable division between the Worlds of Ein Sof and making a "place" for the World of Atzilut (a great constriction from the Worlds of Ein Sof).  However, this membrane allows passage from one dimension to the other, which makes it possible for the World of Atzilut to exist and yet draw down revelation of the World of Ein Sof within Atzilut (and through the process of construction of the entire World of Atzilut - corresponding the construction of the Face of Yakov above - the remaining 3 worlds of Beriya Yetzira and Asiya come into being).

The next process of Yakov is its core "mission" - the refinement of Esav.  Kabbalistically this means the rectification of the Primordial Lights of Tohu which fell during the Breaking of the Vessels in the World of Tohu.  These sparks are the source of all material fortune and pleasure and when they fell they created this coarse material and physical world where G-dliness is completely "concealed" by the coarseness of material existence.  This concept has parallels in all kabbalistic processes, in the soul, in the daily prayers and kavanot, and literally every dimension of Kabbalah this process represents the mission and goal of humanity.

Yakov's mission is to refine the coarseness of the material world, through the Torah and Mitzvot, and hence reveal within the finite physical world, the World of Ein Sof.  This is the key to the redemption, etc.  In order to receive the Torah, the Jewish Nation had to descend into Egypt and be redeemed openly by the divine revelations of the 10 plagues, splitting of Yam Suf, and the giving of the Torah.  Once Israel has the Torah, which of course corresponds to Yakov, Tiferet of Zeir Anpin, which is the garment of the Chochma Stimaa of Arich Anpin in which is garbed Or Ein Sof Boruch Hu).  In order to receive Moshiach, Israel went into a 2,000 year exile, after the destruction of the Second Temple, into the exile of Edom - which is Esav.  This is in order toc omplete the rectification of these Lights of Tohu, which are called the 288 Sparks of Tohy, which fell into the material world.  The Roman empire destroyed the Temple and Esav absorbed Yakov.  The Jewish Nation had a mission - fulfill the Torah and Mitzovt through complete and real self sacrifice, while the Western World, the Common Era, is born out of the ashes of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Two religions will be born - Xtianity from Esav and Islam for Yishmael.  Both will have a place in the World to Come, but both must go through the process of refinement of Civilization.  And for 2,000 years the "modern world" has evolved.  Until now, in the End of Days, after the process of refinement of the 288 Sparks was completed through the toil of the Nation of Yakov in exile, and now Esav is ready to be refined, and through it the entire physical and material world will no longer conceal G-dliness but be a garment for it.
This is in the true and complete redemption of the Jewish Nation, the salvation of Yakov and rejoicing of Israel.

This is accomplished through the aspect of Yosef.  After Yakov refines Esav, marking the completion of the process of rectification of the world of Tohu through the 288 sparks which fell into Malchut - representing the physical and material world, the aspect of Yosef - Yesod becomes a conduit for the open manifestation of Ein Sof within the physical world.  This is Moshiach riding on the Donkey - on the Chamor, which means Chomer - matter.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Power of 5 Nines


Wow, it's been a long time.  Yes! We are indeed leaving exile.  Here's how it goes:>

The Power of 5 Nines:
Today is 9th of Kislev (the birthday and hilula of our saintly teacher of the esoteric mysteries, Rabbi Dovber, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch), Kislev being the 9th month (counting from Nissan), In this day, the 9th of the 9th, there is a 9th hour which is a very auspicious time every year, it is kabbalistically a time when "all the gates are open".  This time is the 9th hour of the day, which aligns three "9s" - the 9th hour, the 9th day, and the 9th month.  These are corresponding to the 3 general "gates" corresponding to Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshama.

In the 9th year of the 50 year cycle of Yovel, there is a 4th dimension of 9 - the 9th year (of the Yovel).  In this day, there are 9 minutes which are the most mystical of all keys.  The addition of the "9 minutes" is truly wondrous, based on the ruling of Rav Wosner Shlita finding BS"D 9 minutes in all the calculations of the different approaches to calculating the 9th hour, and the Rav found miraculously that there were 9 minutes in the 9th hour, that satisfy all the opinions of the different talmidei chachaming united for this purpose specifically).

So this year, the 9th of the Yovel, in the 9th day of the 9th month, there is a 9th hour within which are 9 minutes where all gates are unlocked.  You see.  Every 9 is a "key", this concept exists in Kabbalah and is the basis for the kabbalistic yichudim for immersion in mikva on weekday.  These yichudim pertain to a meditation on the 9 Yudim in all 4 divine Names of 72, 63, 45, and 52, in all 4 Worlds Atzilut, Beriya, Yetzira, and Asiya.  The 4 Names above have 9 Yuds, which are the numerical value of Maiym "Water".  The mikva, through a mystical power of "the 9" (which is the short gimatria of "Emet" "Truth"), acts as a gateway to the pure dimension of G-d's True and Simple Unity.

In our example today, each number "9" unlocks a single level.  Every year, there is the alignment of the 9th hour of the 9th day of the 9th month, corresponding to Nefesh Ruach and Neshama.  This year, once in 50 years, we also have have the 4th dimension of the 9th year in the yovel.  This corresponds to the first level of "Mekifim" of Chaya.  This has last happened 50 years ago.

This year, being an auspicious year in the geula and the receiving of Moshiach, Rav Wosner had discovered an additional, 5th dimension- the 9 minutes.  These corresponds o the 5th dimension of Yechida - the essence of the soul, the level of the "Spark of Moshiach" which is in every Jew, and through which every Jew is united to every other Jew, and on that level the Jewish Nation is One with HaKadosh Baruch Hu, "Kegavna deihu mityachadin leila b'Echad..."

So what happened today?  Moshiach came?  He came already.  Moshiach was revealed?  He was revealed already.  Now Moshiach is being received by us, the inner dimensions of Chochma, of Pnimyut Atik, are internalized within the coarse and material reality of a human ego and a material life in this physical world.  This is Dira b'Tachtunim, this is what it's all about.

In 20 years to be internalized, the be absorbed, like the oil that is absorbed in the food.  Internalized and becomes one with the person.  This is the one thing the Rebbe could not do for us - receive Moshiach.