Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Power of 5 Nines


Wow, it's been a long time.  Yes! We are indeed leaving exile.  Here's how it goes:>

The Power of 5 Nines:
Today is 9th of Kislev (the birthday and hilula of our saintly teacher of the esoteric mysteries, Rabbi Dovber, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch), Kislev being the 9th month (counting from Nissan), In this day, the 9th of the 9th, there is a 9th hour which is a very auspicious time every year, it is kabbalistically a time when "all the gates are open".  This time is the 9th hour of the day, which aligns three "9s" - the 9th hour, the 9th day, and the 9th month.  These are corresponding to the 3 general "gates" corresponding to Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshama.

In the 9th year of the 50 year cycle of Yovel, there is a 4th dimension of 9 - the 9th year (of the Yovel).  In this day, there are 9 minutes which are the most mystical of all keys.  The addition of the "9 minutes" is truly wondrous, based on the ruling of Rav Wosner Shlita finding BS"D 9 minutes in all the calculations of the different approaches to calculating the 9th hour, and the Rav found miraculously that there were 9 minutes in the 9th hour, that satisfy all the opinions of the different talmidei chachaming united for this purpose specifically).

So this year, the 9th of the Yovel, in the 9th day of the 9th month, there is a 9th hour within which are 9 minutes where all gates are unlocked.  You see.  Every 9 is a "key", this concept exists in Kabbalah and is the basis for the kabbalistic yichudim for immersion in mikva on weekday.  These yichudim pertain to a meditation on the 9 Yudim in all 4 divine Names of 72, 63, 45, and 52, in all 4 Worlds Atzilut, Beriya, Yetzira, and Asiya.  The 4 Names above have 9 Yuds, which are the numerical value of Maiym "Water".  The mikva, through a mystical power of "the 9" (which is the short gimatria of "Emet" "Truth"), acts as a gateway to the pure dimension of G-d's True and Simple Unity.

In our example today, each number "9" unlocks a single level.  Every year, there is the alignment of the 9th hour of the 9th day of the 9th month, corresponding to Nefesh Ruach and Neshama.  This year, once in 50 years, we also have have the 4th dimension of the 9th year in the yovel.  This corresponds to the first level of "Mekifim" of Chaya.  This has last happened 50 years ago.

This year, being an auspicious year in the geula and the receiving of Moshiach, Rav Wosner had discovered an additional, 5th dimension- the 9 minutes.  These corresponds o the 5th dimension of Yechida - the essence of the soul, the level of the "Spark of Moshiach" which is in every Jew, and through which every Jew is united to every other Jew, and on that level the Jewish Nation is One with HaKadosh Baruch Hu, "Kegavna deihu mityachadin leila b'Echad..."

So what happened today?  Moshiach came?  He came already.  Moshiach was revealed?  He was revealed already.  Now Moshiach is being received by us, the inner dimensions of Chochma, of Pnimyut Atik, are internalized within the coarse and material reality of a human ego and a material life in this physical world.  This is Dira b'Tachtunim, this is what it's all about.

In 20 years to be internalized, the be absorbed, like the oil that is absorbed in the food.  Internalized and becomes one with the person.  This is the one thing the Rebbe could not do for us - receive Moshiach.

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